1. Proudduck.com
2. Hanishaizi.com
3. Barelysupermommy.com
4. shazwanihamid.com
5. qasehkuhoney.com
I love their writing. Seronok baca. You just need to check it out to know what i mean.
If you love fashion dan suka penulisan yang santai dan lucu. Just click www.proudduck.com. But i think most of proudduck reader love her writing about her late Opah. Vivy is also a great example in being young and successful.
Hanis haizi is a business mogul of Premium Beautiful korset. She has transformed 360 degree. From nobody to somebody. It is really motivating when reading about her journey in the business.
And if you are a mom, barelysupermommy is just right for you. Dr.Harlina got so many things to share about being a mommy. And her daugthers, Bella and Tasha is just so cute.
Shazwanihamid is also a girl who love fashion and she share a lot of things. I like her sharing on skincare products and many more.
And last but not least, qasehkuhoney.com. The writer got a really nice skin. That's all i can said. You will be motivated to look after your skin after reading her blog. Hehe.
Hanis haizi is a business mogul of Premium Beautiful korset. She has transformed 360 degree. From nobody to somebody. It is really motivating when reading about her journey in the business.
And if you are a mom, barelysupermommy is just right for you. Dr.Harlina got so many things to share about being a mommy. And her daugthers, Bella and Tasha is just so cute.
Shazwanihamid is also a girl who love fashion and she share a lot of things. I like her sharing on skincare products and many more.
And last but not least, qasehkuhoney.com. The writer got a really nice skin. That's all i can said. You will be motivated to look after your skin after reading her blog. Hehe.
Ini adalah antara blog-blog favorite saya. Just for sharing :)
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