Pentingnya memilih korset yang selesa. Yelah..sebab kita nak pakai 8 jam sehari..kalau tak selesa macam mana nak pakai hari-hari, 8 jam setiap hari pulak tu? Bila sebut je pasal korset, most of us akan terbayangkan "sakit, tak selesa,suffocate,senak, rasa cucuk2 dan macam2 lagilah.
Tapi dengan Premium Beautiful, you won't find any of these problems. Kenapa? Ini kerana Premium Beautiful korset direka untuk semua jenis bentuk badan wanita.
Daripada bentuk apple, pear, tube or even can fit all types nicely. So, you should wear it happily :)
Premium Beautiful juga direka khas untuk pemakaian yang selesa untuk pemakaian 8 jam sehari. Ini kerana Premium Beautiful menggunakan bahan daripada teknologi Akwatek & Akwadyne. Apa tu Akwatek & Akwadyne??
AKWATEK® is a registered trademark of Comfort Technologies, Inc licensed to Alice Lace Co., Ltd of Taiwan. Akwatek® is a finish that is applied to polyester based fabrics to help warm or cool the body during outdoor activity. Akwatek® pulls moisture away from the body, and creates a vapour barrier that cools the body in warm temperatures, and warms the body in cold temperatures. Unlike most moisture transport fabrics that rely on fabric construction or chemical coatings to pull sweat away from the body, Akwatek® modifies the molleculer structure of the fiber providing a "chemical magnet" which uses the inherent properties of water to move it away from the body as needed. Termed "electrochemical transport", this process separates and moves molecules of water using the positive and negative charges contained in each individual molecule. As a result, garments made of Akwatek® can heat one area of the body while cooling another.
AKWADYNE® is a registered trademark of Comfort Technologies, Inc licensed to Alice Lace Co., Ltd of Taiwan. Akwadyne® is a finish that is applied to nylon based fabrics to help warm or cool the body during outdoor activity. Akwadyne® pulls moisture away from the body, and creates a vapour barrier that cools the body in warm temperatures, and warms the body in cold temperatures. Unlike most moisture transport fabrics that rely on fabric construction or chemical coatings to pull sweat away from the body, Akwadyne® modifies the molleculer structure of the fiber providing a "chemical magnet" which uses the inherent properties of water to move it away from the body as needed. Termed "electrochemical transport", this process separates and moves molecules of water using the positive and negative charges contained in each individual molecule. As a result, garments made of Akwadyne® can heat one area of the body while cooling another.
With the technology, we can wear Premium Beautiful tanpa kepanasan yang selalu kebanyakan wanita merungut bila pakai korset.
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Semua jenis bentuk badan boleh pakai kan..! |
Lagi satu kelebihan Premium Beautiful korset adalah Jahitan Streoskopik.
Teknologi jahitan streoskopik iaitu 3D iaitu mengagihkan lemak keserata tubuh and also material ini boleh diregangkan 360 degree ke serata tubuh. So with PB u won't feel restriction of your movement. Even pakai masa solat pun takde masalah! :D
Kalau tak rasa, tak tahu.. you have to try it to feel it. Experience it yourselves. Sampai bila nak biarkan lemak-lemak tu mengganggu anda kan..because you deserve a good body shape..:)
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