Thursday 9 February 2012

Hocus Focus

Does the word hocus distract you?? If yes, your focusing level is not good enough..hehe.. Focus and concentration. Recently i've been talking and discussing about it with the athletes. And of course, it really matters for them. So, i asked them what is focus and what is concentration..and of course their answer was.."it is the same, kakak.."..pftt..

It is okay because not many who actually bother the differences that focus and hocus eh, salah, concentration carry.  Actually there are some differences. In my understanding, you can think of concentration as being broad in nature. While focus is narrow in nature. But sometimes it is hard to make people  start with your the best example,use the most dramatic face expression..bla..bla..convince with facts and pictures or even videos..bla..bla..until finish. And the other people are just like starring with an open mouth at you. So, i will try my best  to make you understand okay..

It is like this...

There so many things in front of you while you are targeting the bull's eye.

Only you and your bull's eyes. Eliminate the other things.

If you still cannot understand, you better train your mind to focus more.
It is your fault, not mine..:p

We are often heard people say..''come on..focus..focus..", "you need to focus..".. Hello..someone is struggling his physical and mental, he could not focus anymore point of shouting. That was some normal situation that happened. But, if we look at the positive side of it...those shouting and screaming can give a person a hint of what to do and of course motivation.

You need to work extra hard in order to focus. Not only the eyes are focusing but also your mind. Therefore, take a deep breath, relax... then only you can focus. 

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